Site Updates

Total Updates: 25 Subscribe via RSS

Update: 29th July, 2024

  • Changes for the home page:
    • Remove padding on Navlink section
    • Better mobile responsive on tablet for the landing page

Note: I'm looking for something to add into my website so that I can keep my website active and not dead, but I'm not sure what it's gonna be.

Update: 15th July, 2024

  • Fix broken RSS feed (since some RSS readers don't bother to try to parse it)

Update: 14th July, 2024

  • Sitemap now looks better
  • Add used libraries in Credits page
  • Cache Busting now uses hashed content instead of time
  • Enlarge Heading and Make card wrappable in Minecraft project page.
  • CSS code has changed, allowing for a broader browser support.
  • Mobile Menu button now requires you to click.
  • Internal code changes

Update: 6th July, 2024

  • Add a deep info About Me on the (?) symbol in the Webmaster page. View.
  • Change a separator symbol between the topic and the page title.
  • Add Site Updates count on the Site Updates page
  • Change a ton of stuff in the background

Update: 2nd July, 2024

  • JavaScript files are now Cache-busted
  • Change the word "Plus" to "Also" in the homepage
  • Settings page is restructured and now redirects users with JavaScript disabled
  • Avatar is enlarged
  • Add Post Tags section for blog posts
  • Remove "More Tags" section for category pages (well, there's no point of having it)
  • Add more splash texts
  • Change homepage hero section wrapping behavior

Update: 30th June, 2024

  • Fix the broken print layout
  • Remove aria-hidden from the section links in articles
  • Code minification changes

Update: 29th June, 2024

  • Make the article's width shorter to make it more comfortable to read
  • Add Anchor Indicator (ex:, #top)
  • Make Icons actually align in the middle
  • Add Mono Theme. Check it out in Themes section of Settings page

Update: 28th June, 2024

Update: 26th June, 2024

  • Add Code Block styling
  • Add Last Updated Stat for Article header
  • Use <header> element for Article header + related changes

Update: 19th June, 2024

  • A lot of stuff updated in Webmaster page
  • Add Heading Anchors for articles
  • Internal code update

Update: 17th June, 2024

  • Add Buttonless Website section in Links page
  • Change list stlying in Links page a bit
  • Internal code changes

Update: 13th June, 2024

  • Add Monkeytype link in socials section (Webmaster)
  • Change the hover effect in socials section
  • Site Logo active effect now works on mobile (again?)
  • Add generator meta tag
  • Add Auto theme setting
  • Improve <noscript> warning styling and more
  • Internal code changes

Update: 11th June, 2024

Fixing Accessibility stuff

  • Refactor mobile Navigation Menu interaction (to make it work with keyboard)
  • Add title to Navlink Ads <iframe>
  • Shadows are now more subtle
  • Un-tabindex the Info icon
  • Fix latest blog section not being able to be focused

Update: 10th June, 2024

  • Add Site Info in footer
  • New Uses section in Webmaster page
  • Use my own info icon
  • Dev Environment Change

Update: 9th June, 2024

  • Add Cache Busting (not sure if it's gonna work)
  • Add Guestbook section
  • Add Credit for Info logo
  • Add blockquote styling
  • Update Archive description
  • New Tag section design
  • Internal Code changes

Note: If Cache Busting doesn't work, you may clear your cache and refresh the page, or do Ctrl+F5.

Update: 5th June, 2024

  • Add Sitemap
  • Fix deadlink for Vivaldi
  • Add styling for code

Note: If the site appears broken, try clearing the cache and reload the page, or do Ctrl+F5.

Update: 26th May, 2024

  • Add Site Header Shadow
  • Optimize CSS even more
  • Correct Semantic HTML

Note: If the site appears broken, try clearing the cache and reload the page, or do Ctrl+F5.

Update: 24th May, 2024

  • Add Site Header Dropdown for mobile
  • New Site Footer design
  • Optimize CSS even more
  • Fix non-readable normal links in darker area
  • Better Mobile-responsiveness
    • Main layout now changes layout instantly once the border touches the screen, with CSS units changed.
    • Navigation Bar will now change at its own device width.

Note: If the site appears broken, try clearing the cache and reload the page, or do Ctrl+F5.

Update: 22nd May, 2024

  • Made Image links lighten when hover
  • Fix MBTI title mistype (bleh)
  • Fix my oopsie mistake with mobile-responsive layout
  • Fix link button tooltip not being shown after hovering
  • Add Archive page

Note: If the site appears broken, try clearing the cache and reload the page or do Ctrl+F5.

Update: 21st May, 2024

  • Add Splash Text
  • Fix weirdly behaved layout happened at a specific screen width
  • Add Mobile Tooltip for abbreviations.
  • Some small optimizations and no-effect code changes.
  • Hide Settings link when JavaScript is disabled

Update: 20th May, 2024

  • Did something to Webmaster and Links layout design a bit
  • Add Video Creators Section in Links
  • Increase section gap a bit
  • Cursor now shows the progress state while resetting preferences
  • Add Dark Button and allow using my old Neocities button

Update: 18th May, 2024

  • Add Site Button
  • Correct Thumbnail URL for Blog Posts
  • Lazy Load Recent Blog Thumbnail to optimize initial load time
  • Change Site Updates Heading
  • Change Recent Site Update section layout a bit with hyperlink added

Update: 17th May, 2024

  • Make Tag section in Blog Index look better
  • Add RSS for Site Updates and Blog

Update: 16th May, 2024

  • Add site updates page (hello)
  • Exclude non-blog and non-updates page out of collections
  • Allow figure to overflow from the content
  • Fix no color for (device) light theme
  • Add Taxonomy (Tags) for blog